Automotive & Gearhead Culture
Garage40 exists for the sole purpose of cultivating and celebrating the automotive enthusiast lifestyle through design and self expression. If you’re like the rest of us, you likely grew up playing with cars, drawing cars, building model cars, putting car posters on your bedroom walls, collecting car photos for screensavers and desktop backgrounds, playing racing video games, attending car shows and racing events, obsessively talking about cars, memorizing way too many automobile specs, wearing car t-shirts, working on cars, etc. It’s in your blood.
For many of us, the love of automobiles has enriched our lives. It’s driven us to work hard to pursue our dream cars, to build careers and/or businesses around our passion. It’s led to countless friendships and bonds in life that have shaped who we are. It brings people of various backgrounds together, which is something to be respected in today’s age of division. The automobile to some, is simply a form of transportation. For others, it is a mechanical work of art. It is to be celebrated and cherished.